
When you are diagnosed with cancer, you will have to make numerous decisions concerning your treatment options. You may feel obligated to use the Internet to assist you make those judgments, but this might lead you down a rabbit hole of doubt and disinformation. This is generally the case with radiation therapy.

Radiation therapy, often known as radiotherapy, is a popular cancer treatment that targets cancer cells with radiation (often high-powered X-rays). Radiation therapy can be used either on its own or in conjunction with other therapies, such as chemotherapy or surgery.

Radiation oncologists are healthcare providers who specialise in radiation therapy. Your radiation oncologist will determine whether radiation therapy would benefit you. If so, they’ll choose the best type of radiation therapy for the kind of cancer you have. They’ll also design the radiation treatment plan with the radiation dosage that will destroy cancer cells without harming nearby healthy tissue.

Radiation Treatment Basics

Radiation oncologists employ radiation therapy to treat a wide range of cancers, and the American Cancer Society reports that more than half of all cancer patients receive it as part of their treatment. Various types of radiation therapy work in different ways. Your radiation therapy plan will be tailored to your exact cancer type and stage. There are three basic types of radiation treatment: external-beam radiation therapy, internal radiation therapy, and systemic radiation therapy.

Your radiation oncologist and nurse navigator can address specific questions regarding your treatment plan and expectations. Meanwhile, we're dispelling some fallacies about this frequent treatment.

10 Common Myths

Myth: Radiation therapy is painful.

Fact: Radiation therapy is usually painless. One of the most widely held beliefs is that radiation therapy is painful. The operation is frequently painless. Although the radiation treatment itself is similar to an X-ray, patients may feel discomfort from the positioning devices or from lying still. Potential side effects, such as fatigue or skin irritation, usually appear after treatment sessions and can be handled with medical assistance.

Myth: Radiation therapy causes widespread hair loss.

Fact: Hair loss occurs in a specific area. Localised hair loss happens in the radiation therapy treatment region. For example, having radiation therapy for brain cancer may cause you to lose hair on your scalp. This is not the same as chemotherapy, which can result in widespread hair loss.

Myth: Radiation therapy makes you radioactive.

Fact: External radiation therapy does not make you radioactive. The most frequent type of radiation therapy is external beam radiation therapy, which does not cause radioactivity. The radiation goes through your body, leaving no residual radiation behind. However, several types of internal radiation therapy (brachytherapy) entail temporarily inserting radioactive material into your body, which is closely monitored and managed by healthcare specialists.

Myth: Radiation therapy is only for late-stage cancer.

Fact: Radiation therapy is effective at different stages. Late-stage cancer is not the only condition for radiation therapy. It can be used as the main treatment or at many phases of the disease, including early-stage cancers, to reduce tumours before surgery, to get rid of cancer cells left behind after surgery, or even at the beginning of the disease. Because of its versatility, it's a valuable tool for managing cancer.

Myth: Radiation therapy always leads to severe side effects.

Fact: Side effects vary but are manageable. While radiation therapy can generate adverse effects, these vary greatly between patients and are dependent on the treatment location and dose. Common side effects include weariness and skin changes, but severe reactions are uncommon. Healthcare staff are adept at monitoring and reducing side effects to enhance patient comfort.

Myth: The efficacy of radiation therapy is lacking.

Fact: Radiation therapy is highly effective. Radiation therapy is one of the most effective cancer treatments, whether performed alone or in conjunction with chemotherapy and surgery. It prevents cancer cells from multiplying or spreading by altering their DNA. Technological improvements have made it more accurate and efficient than ever before.

Myth: Radiation therapy is outdated.

Fact: Radiation therapy is still evolving. Radiation therapy, far from being obsolete, is constantly growing with new technologies and approaches. Innovations such as intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS), and proton therapy have considerably improved precision and results, limiting the damage to surrounding healthy tissues.

Myth: Radiation therapy cannot be administered more than once.

Fact: Repeat radiation therapy is feasible. Repeating radiation therapy can be beneficial, especially in light of current technological developments that limit exposure to healthy tissues. Several factors influence the choice to seek repeat therapy, such as the type and location of the cancer, the dosages of previous treatments, and overall health.

Myth: Radiation therapy is only for adults.

Fact: Radiation therapy is also used for paediatric cancer patients. Radiation therapy is not just for adults, it is also a viable treatment option for youngsters with cancer. Paediatric oncologists collaborate with radiation oncologists to develop therapies that minimise long-term negative effects while maximising efficacy.

Myth: Radiation therapy is a last resort.

Fact: Radiation therapy is an integral part of many treatment plans. Radiation therapy is not a last resort; it is a necessary component of many cancer treatment strategies. It can be used alongside surgery and chemotherapy or as a stand-alone treatment. Its capability to target particular locations makes it a versatile and successful alternative for treating various types of cancer.


Cancer is frightening, but with the correct treatment plan, the doctor can help you eradicate the tumour. The doctor will select a treatment technique based on the patient's choices. As a result, clarifying any misconceptions with your oncologist before treatment is critical. The patient must be not only physically present during the treatment but also psychologically prepared for a successful outcome. If you are determined to eradicate cancer, you have already won half the battle. Repeating radiation therapy can be advantageous, especially with current technological advances that reduce exposure to healthy tissues. Several factors influence the decision to seek repeat therapy, such as the type and location of the cancer, past treatment dosages, and overall health.

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