
An angiogram is a diagnostic test carried out to detect any anomalies or blockages within the vascular system and the heart. These are also called arteriograms. They help detect the presence of plaque deposits, weak vessels, any blood clots, and other issues pertaining to the blood vessel network throughout the body. Angiograms help diagnose disorders that may affect the brain, legs, arms, or heart.

What is angiography?

Angiography is the procedure that helps detect diseases or conditions of the blood vessels in the body. A series of x-rays are taken after injecting a contrasting dye into the body. The dye highlights the vascular network in the body allowing doctors to see any blockages or narrowing of the blood vessels.

To perform an angiogram, a doctor will first insert a narrow tube into a catheter in an artery located close to the area of interest. For coronary angiography, the dye is injected into the groin region. Next, the doctor will inject a contrasting dye through the catheter and then take x-rays of the blood vessels. The dye makes it possible to see the blood vessels clearly.

It is noteworthy that not all angiography procedures are done using x-rays. Doctors may even use CT scans or MRIs depending on their needs.

How does angiography help in the treatment of heart disease?

Angiography is primarily done for the heart. But can also be carried out for other parts of the body such as the brain to diagnose a stroke or its risk, the chest or lungs to locate bleeding points, the reproductive system to embolize the fibroids or tubes, after accidents or trauma of the extremities, eyes, and others, kidneys to detect high pressure within the kidney blood vessels and others.

In terms of heart disease, angiography helps diagnose aneurysms, stenosis of the vessels and coronary atherosclerosis. The diagnosis of the following condition becomes easier due to angiography:

  • Atherosclerosis: These are plaque deposits that accumulate at the inner walls of the blood vessels, resulting in the narrowing of the blood vessels or thickening of their walls. Either way, angiography can detect this condition and help doctors suggest the necessary treatment plan.
  • Pulmonary embolisms: The presence of embolisms at different locations within the body such as pulmonary embolisms.
  • Aneurysms: These are bulges in the walls of the blood vessels that develop in weakened walls of the artery. Often life-threatening, since when they burst, they can cause internal bleeding and death.
  • Congenital anomalies: Typically, angiography helps detect anatomical anomalies in the brain or heart. The contrasting dye, through blood vessels, travels through the most tedious pathways that the capillary network may have formed.
  • Vascular stenosis: When atherosclerotic plaques occlude or narrow the blood vessel lumen, they obstruct blood flow and may lead to severe complications. The obstruction of blood flow is known as vascular stenosis.
  • Before artery-related surgeries: Blood vessel evaluation is done before surgery such as placing an arteriovenous shunt for dialysis. Angiography also helps with surgical planning before and after placing stents, bypass surgeries or chemo-embolisation.
  • Tumour detection: Identifying tumours, their location and size is possible through angiography.

Who needs an angiography?

An angiography is recommended when a person is positive for the following:

  • Has symptoms of a blocked vessel or narrow artery
  • Shows abnormal stress test results
  • Has atypical chest pain
  • Has a history of stroke, heart attack or congestive heart failure
  • Has been diagnosed with conditions associated with the blood vessels

Is angiography risky?

Angiography is typically a low-risk procedure. Since it’s an invasive procedure, it does carry some risks, which include:

  • Bleeding: Sometimes, angiography may cause uncontrolled bleeding, bruising or soreness during the procedure.
  • Allergies: Allergic reactions to the contrasting dye, local anaesthetic agent, or sedative are possible if not tested prior.
  • Blood clots: In some cases, there may be formation of blood clots.
  • Complications in-situ: In-procedure damage to the walls of the heart, artery or vein are common mishaps.
  • Infection: Infections may occur when sterilisation protocols are not adhered to or when patients fail to complete their prescribed course of antibiotics.
  • Arrhythmia: Irregular heart beats may result from anxiety of the procedure.
  • Stroke, heart attack, or acute renal failure: These are rare events, but may occur.


Angiography is essential for cardiac patients since it plays a critical role in diagnosing vascular problems that often go unnoticed during routine evaluation. It is the most common procedure performed for cardiac patients. It offers detailed information about the anatomy, anomalies and any undiagnosed threats of the cardiovascular system. These include conditions such as atherosclerosis, vascular stenosis, pulmonary embolisms, aneurysms, tumours, and others.

Angiography also helps minimise the risk for planned surgeries and probability of having a heart attack or stroke in future. Angiography is almost a risk-free procedure and safe for most patients with negligible complications. By using the clear picture of the angiography, detecting diseases early and treating them has become easier than ever.

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