
At the center of every woman's journey is a need for compassionate, holistic care that looks after not just her physical health but her mental and emotional well-being. Marengo Asia Hospitals believes that women should take charge of their lives and move towards achieving health and wellness goals. Our state-of-the-art infrastructure allows us to provide support for women's health with utmost precision and attention.
The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Marengo Asia Hospitals gives a holistic approach to care that focuses on obstetrics, which includes pregnancy, childbirth, and post-delivery care, and gynaecology, which involves the diagnosis and treatment of female reproductive system-related conditions. Thus, we seek the best health outcomes using the best technology and deep knowledge of women's needs and make women feel empowered and supported at all stages of life.


Obstetrics is a part of medicine that covers the care of women before, during, and after pregnancy and childbirth. The objective of obstetrics is to provide safety and health for the mother and the baby during all stages of the process.
Experts at Marengo Asia Hospitals provide holistic care for women from preconception to post-delivery, ensuring that mother and baby are well cared for. Our aim is to have a natural childbirth process and avoid interventions such as elective inductions and cesarean sections. We also provide specialized care for high-risk pregnancies and continuous support during labor and delivery. The postpartum care provided by our experts includes physical recovery, emotional support, and support for newborn health, including breastfeeding counseling.


Gynaecology deals with the diagnosis, management, or treatment of diseases pertaining to the female reproductive organ. It encompasses all issues in women's health in life, from puberty up to menopause.
Marengo Asia Hospitals takes care of women at every phase of life with our gynaecological services. Our services include menstrual disorders, fibroids, endometriosis, and infections in the reproductive system.
Preventive care is emphasized here at Marengo Asia Hospitals. Some of the core services offered are Pap smears and cancer screenings. Fertility evaluations and basic infertility workups for women in the process of becoming pregnant are offered here. Medical providers are educated both in medical and surgical therapies and offer individualized care suited to each patient's particular needs using minimally invasive techniques.

Conditions Treated by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Pregnancy-related Issues

  1. Gestational Diabetes: Hyperglycemia in pregnancy that needs monitoring and treatment.
  2. Pregnancy-induced Hypertension (Preeclampsia): High blood pressure that can create complications for both mother and baby.
  3. Gestational Hypertension: High blood pressure in pregnancy without any signs of preeclampsia.
  4. Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Severe nausea and vomiting in pregnancy that requires urgent medical care.
  5. Multiple Pregnancies: Comprehensive care for pregnancies with twins, triplets, or more.
  6. Preterm Labour: Management and prevention of labor before 37 weeks of gestation.
  7. Foetal Growth Restriction: Monitoring and treatment of poor fetal development inside the womb.
  8. Placenta Previa: An issue where the placenta covers the cervix and often requires cesarean delivery.
  9. Placental Abruption: Emergency condition with early detachment of the placenta from the uterus before birth.

Gynaecological Conditions

  1. Menstrual Disorders: Treatment of irregular or heavy or painful menstrual periods.
  2. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): PCOS is a major hormonal condition that impacts menstruation and ovulation. It starts during adolescence, a critical period of development, and may be associated with very early hormonal changes related to adrenarche. Early identification and management of PCOS is essential to prevent long-term complications related to fertility, metabolic health, and mental well-being.
  3. Endometriosis: Treatment to remove tissue growth outside the uterine cavity, inducing pain and infertility.
  4. Uterine Fibroids: Management of benign growth within the uterus that may cause impaired fertility and bleeding.
  5. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): Medical treatment for infection of a female reproductive organ.
  6. Ovarian Cysts: Treatment of fluid-filled sacs in the ovaries.
  7. Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Treatment for the dropping of pelvic organs from their standard position.
  8. Urinary Incontinence: Assessment and Treatment of Involuntary Urine Leakage.
  9. Pelvic Pain: Treatment of acute pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis.
  10. Gynaecological Cancers: All-round care for ovarian, cervical, uterine, vulvar, and vaginal cancers.

Infertility and Reproductive Disorders

  1. Female Infertility: Diagnosis and treatment for factors influencing a woman's inability to get pregnant.
  2. Male Infertility: Treatment for male reproductive health factors.
  3. Recurrent Miscarriages: Evaluation and management of recurrent pregnancy loss.
  4. Hormonal Imbalances Influencing Fertility: Treatment of hormonal conditions influencing ovulation and fertility.
  5. Blocked Fallopian Tubes: Advanced methods of unblocking fallopian tubes for better fertility.
  6. Endometrial Problems Influencing Implantation: Treatment of endometrial conditions that may prevent the proper implantation of the embryo.

Menopausal and Postmenopausal Conditions

  1. Menopausal Symptoms: It involves managing hot flashes, mood swings, and vaginal dryness.
  2. Osteoporosis: Diagnosis and treatment to build bone strength and prevent fractures in postmenopausal women.
  3. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Management: Customized hormonal treatment to alleviate menopause symptoms.

Sexual Health and Reproductive Wellness

  1. Contraception Counselling: Professional recommendation on the best birth control options to suit individual needs.
  2. Family Planning: Guidance and support for planning and spacing pregnancies.
  3. Screening, prevention, and treatment for STIs.
  4. Reproductive Health Education: Education and awareness building concerning sexual and reproductive health.

Specialised Services

  1. High-risk Pregnancy Management: Dedicated care by board-certified obstetricians and gynaecologists in all aspects of high-risk pregnancies and pregnancy complications.
  2. Minimally Invasive Gynaecologic Surgery: Dedicated care by board-certified obstetricians and gynaecologists in all aspects of high-risk pregnancies and pregnancy complications. There are many innovative treatment options that your healthcare provider might choose, it includes advanced laparoscopic surgery, robotic surgery, and vaginal surgery. Laparoscopic surgery is very effective and leads to less discomfort and shorter hospital stays. Robotic surgery provides less trauma to surrounding structures. On the other hand, vaginal surgery is the most minimally invasive technique that covers all the advantages of laparoscopic and robotic surgery.
  3. Gynaecological Oncology:  This is the most specialized form of cancer care and management of ovarian, uterine, cervical, and other forms of gynaecological cancers.
  4. Urogynaecology and Pelvic Floor Disorders Treatment: Diagnosis and treatment of conditions that impair pelvic floor support and bladder control.

What Examinations and Screenings Are Done for Various Obstetrics and Gynecology Issues at Marengo Asia Hospitals?

These include:

  1. Early Pregnancy Check and First Trimester Scan: This scan takes place in the early weeks after getting pregnant to evaluate the pregnancy for viability, check for more than one baby, and rule out early complications such as an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. It is done via an ultrasound scan and blood tests that ensure the pregnancy is beginning without any complications.
  2. Targeted scan and Quadruple screening: A targeted scan includes a detailed second-trimester ultrasound for fetal structural anomalies. Quadruple screening refers to a maternal blood test, which evaluates certain proteins and hormones that will help measure the risk of genetic abnormalities, such as Down syndrome, trisomy 18, and neural tube defects.
  3. Routine Antenatal Care: Routine antenatal care consists of a series of timed visits to obstetricians, physical examinations, observation and measurement of blood pressure and other physical conditions, weight evaluation and checking of fetal development as well as the possibility for potential risks.
  4. Pap Smear: A Pap smear is a very simple screening test for detecting abnormal cells in the cervix, which can later become cervical cancer. It is a fundamental preventive measure in gynaecological care, which ensures that such abnormalities are diagnosed early enough to allow timely intervention.
  5. Pelvic Exams: Pelvic exams are the physical examination of the female reproductive organs. These include the uterus, ovaries, and the cervix. They aid in diagnosing infections, fibroids, and pelvic pain, among other gynaecological problems.
  6. Clinical Breast Exams: A clinical breast exam is the process of assessing the breast by feeling it to detect lumps or abnormalities. It is a crucial screening tool for the early detection of breast cancer and other conditions affecting the breast.
  7. Mammographies: It is an X-ray technology specially designed to detect breast cancer even before the symptoms arise. If the disease is detected in an early stage, it would considerably improve the treatment; thus, mammography is very important in screening.
  8. Cancer Screenings: Comprehensive cancer screening detects cancers of the cervix, uterus, ovaries, and other reproductive organs. Screenings may also include tests such as a Pap smear, HPV test, imaging, and a biopsy to detect the cancer in early stages.

What Procedures Under Obstetrics and Gynaecology are Performed at Marengo Asia Hospitals?

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (OB-GYN) at Marengo Asia Hospitals provides a wide range of medical and surgical approaches towards the reproductive health of women. Some of the procedures carried out at Marengo Asia Hospitals include:

  1. Vaginal Delivery: This is a method of delivery where the baby comes out through the natural birth canal. Marengo Asia Hospitals encourages and favors natural deliveries and resists minimal intervention unless the procedure is medically required. We support the mother during all stages of labor until the delivery to ensure safety for both the mother and baby.
  2. Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC): VBAC is an opportunity to have a vaginal delivery in women who have had a previous history of cesarean. Our obstetricians at Marengo Asia Hospitals evaluate the mother's history and continuously monitor labor to enable a successful and safe vaginal birth.
  3. Amniocentesis: Amniocentesis is a prenatal diagnosis test where a small volume of amniotic fluid is drawn out from the uterus using a needle. In this procedure, the aim is to diagnose genetic conditions, detect some cases of birth defects, and reveal the sex of the baby. It is ensured by our medical team to be done accurately with minimal discomfort to the mother.
  4. Forceps and Vacuum Deliveries: Forceps and vacuum-assisted delivery are part of the natural process of childbirth, but they help guide the baby when the natural process is unfruitful. This process only occurs if it is necessary and in the best interest of the mother and baby. Our obstetricians receive careful training to conduct this delicate procedure with extreme precision.
  5. Dilation and Curettage (D&C): Dilation and Curettage (D&C): It is a minor surgical procedure by which the cervix is dilated and some lining of the uterine tissue is removed. This is generally conducted for abnormal uterine bleeding, tissue removal post-miscarriage, and uterine conditions. Obstetricians at Marengo Asia Hospitals use advanced techniques for speedy recovery without many complications and risks.
  6. Caesarean Delivery (C-section): A caesarean delivery is a surgical method of delivering a baby via an incision made within the abdomen and uterus of the mother. It is performed, usually, when there would be a great risk involved in the health of both the mother and the baby if the baby were delivered vaginally.
  7. Timed LSCS (Lower Segment Cesarean Section) for Repeat Sections: This procedure is arranged for women who have experienced previous cesarean deliveries. A timed LSCS provides safe delivery at the right time during the pregnancy without increasing risks as with emergency cesarean procedures.
  8. Biopsy: A biopsy is the procedure whereby tissue is taken from the cervix, uterus, or any other reproductive organ. Then these tissue samples are analyzed in laboratories and tested for cancer, infection, or even abnormal growths of cells.
  9. Tubal Ligation (Female Sterilization): Tubal ligation, also known in most places as female sterilization, is one of the most effective permanent contraception methods. This is a process involving the obstruction of the fallopian tubes either by occluding or simply tying them to prevent one from getting pregnant.
  10. Laser Surgery: Laser surgery involves using focused light beams to treat conditions such as abnormal cervical cells, endometriosis, and other gynaecological conditions. This approach allows for more accuracy, lowered pain, and quicker recovery. Our state-of-the-art laser surgery options are meant to give women effective, safe, and less invasive treatment options.
  11. Hysterectomy: It is a process of removal of the uterus through a surgical process; it's usually performed due to the presence of fibroids, endometriosis, chronic pelvic pain, or even gynaecological cancers. It can be conducted using different methods, including vaginal or abdominal approaches. Depending on the patient's condition, the surgery can also be done with an open, laparoscopic, or robotic-assisted technique.
  12. Cesarean Hysterectomy for Placental Adhesive Disorders: Cesarean hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus at the time of cesarean delivery. This type of surgical intervention is often required in cases of placenta accreta, in which the placenta grows abnormally by attaching deeply to the uterine wall, thus threatening the mother's health.
  13. Myomectomy: This procedure involves the removal of the fibroids, which are benign growths inside the uterus while maintaining the uterus itself. This process is ideal for women wishing to maintain fertility. Myomectomies at Marengo Asia Hospitals are performed using laparoscopic or minimally invasive techniques for better patient outcomes.
  14. Cesarean Myomectomy: Cesarean myomectomy is the removal of uterine fibroids at the time of cesarean section. This way, women can have fibroids removed without the need for a separate surgery, and they can be ready for recovery faster, as well as reducing the risk of complications in general.
  15. Elective and Emergency Cervical Cerclage: This process involves suturing the cervix closed to stop miscarriage or preterm birth. This is generally conducted on women who are at risk, especially for cervical insufficiency. Emergency cerclage is done on a woman presenting with either cervical shortening or signs of labor. Elective cerclage is usually planned in anticipation of a woman known to have a history of preterm labor.
  16. Termination of Pregnancy for Anomalous Fetus in the Second Trimester: If there are severe anomalies in the fetus, the termination for medical reasons may seem inevitable. Our obstetricians provide empathetic support and care to families, making this difficult decision, always ensuring that the procedure is made safe and sensitive.

Minimal Invasive Surgery (MIS)


The advent of minimally invasive procedures is like a shot in the arm to the women combating various gynaecological health conditions. Laparoscopy is the most recommended, less invasive technique for diagnosing multiple conditions, like removing scar tissue to check the funct...

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Minimal Invasive Surgery (MIS)


The advent of minimally invasive procedures is like a shot in the arm to the women combating various gynaecological health conditions. Laparoscopy is the most recommended, less invasive technique for diagnosing multiple conditions, like removing scar tissue to check the functioning of fallopian tubes and excision of fibroids and cysts.
The major advantages of laparoscopy include tiny incisions, less blood loss, and hospital stays. The patient can resume regular duties within a couple of days. The operation theatres at Marengo Asia are equipped with advanced video imaging technology and sophisticated and specially designed surgical equipment for viewing the internal body parts and performing the procedure safely.

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The most common symptoms of gynaecological diseases are irregular bleeding, pelvic pain, strange discharge from the vagina, itching or burning sensations in the vulvar area, problems with urination, altered menstrual cycles, and lumps in the pelvis.

Factors putting women at risk of gynaecological diseases are aging, family history of specific cancers, unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, and obesity. Imbalance in the hormones, like PCOS, and exposure to STIs can also be among them.

Yes, gynaecologists are very well-trained to perform several surgical procedures, including hysterectomy, myomectomy, tubal ligation, removal of ovarian cysts, and most minimally invasive procedures such as laparoscopy.

The common gynaecological disorders include vaginal infections (candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis), endometriosis, where tissue that acts like the uterus grows in other places outside the uterus; fibroids, which are non-cancerous growths in the uterus; and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which affects menstrual periods and fertility.

The five major types of gynaecological cancers include cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, vaginal cancer, and vulvar cancer, affecting the outer part of the female genitalia.

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